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Samples for Analysis

Genomenal supports FASTQ, BAM, VCF, TXT, TSV file formats:

  1. FASTQ file(s) with reads obtained by sequencing. In this case, a sample is either a single file (in the case of single-read sequencing), or a pair of files (in the case of paired-end sequencing).

  2. VCF file with variant annotation.

  3. BAM file with aligned sequences.

  4. Tab-delimited files with genotype data (TXT, TSV formats representing 23andMe or alike genotype data).


Genomenal can recognize compressed files (GZIP, ZIP, BZIP2, 7-ZIP, XZ, WIM, RAR).


If you have a pair of tumor/normal samples, use FASTQ or BAM files.


If the purpose of your analysis is copy number variations (CNV) discovery, use FASTQ or BAM files.