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Sample Page

On the sample page, you can find information about the sample analysis progress, change the analysis parameters and view the sample analysis results after processing is complete. You can open the sample page from:

  • the "Samples" page by clicking on the sample name:

You will see the sample “Main” tab where you can find the sample info, the main results and the workflow stages.

The workflow (and therefore the availability of results) depends on the selected workflow settings and the sample type (tumor or non-tumor tissue sample).

From the "Main" tab, you can go to the other tabs on the sample page:

  1. Tabs with generated reports - the presence of tabs depends on the presence of active report templates (managed on the "Report Templates" page in the "Settings" page block), their applicability to a given sample, and the availability of the results necessary to build a report. By default, the following reports may be active for you (the addition of these reports can be requested from your administrator):
  • CNV report is a report on the results of the analysis of the patient sample or samples in order to detect changes in the number of copies of chromosomes.
  • Glioma report is a clinical report on the characteristics of gliomas, based on tumor markers identified in the sample, and a knowledge base created on the basis of expert knowledge and published research on this topic.
  1. Bioinformatic report includes the file statistics and the reports on the completed stages of sample analysis (Quality Report, Alignment Report, Coverage Report, and SNVs/Indels Report).

  2. Coverage Analysis (the tab is visible only for samples uploaded in FASTQ or BAM formats, and only after successful completion of all stages of analysis) contains information on depth of coverage and coverage of genes and transcripts in a sample.

  3. Workflow details includes detailed information about the processing of the sample and intermediate data.

  4. Parameters (the tab is visible only for samples uploaded in FASTQ or BAM formats) - contains information about sample analysis parameters.